Alcedo Blog, 16/07/2013 Puerto Calero, 28.54.98N 13.42.35W
David Batten
Tue 16 Jul 2013 18:24
We left the anchorage at about 8.00am this morning and motor sailed out of the Estrecho del Rio, with wind from the North East and had a lively and rough sail down the coast in up to 30 plus knots of true wind until past Arrecife and the breakfast cook and bartender did us proud with melon followed by scrambled egg during the roughest part. After Arrecife, things became more peaceful and we arrived in Puerto Calero in time for a late lunch. We were being blown off the pontoon this time and it was difficult to keep close enough for a change, so the paintwork was quite safe!
It has been the first really hot afternoon, so a swim off the beach and serious tanning were the order of the day. Now sadly time for the Deck Jewellery, Bartender and Chief Washer Upper to pack before their last supper and the last round of cocktails. We definitely need a day or two on the wagon now!
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