Well, leaving the Straits is not so easy. After a lot of restocking, cleaning, washing and with the new crew installed, we set sail early Thursday morning. Flat calm in the harbour, 25 to 30 knots as soon a we hit the Straits, on the nose. Still had the reefs in from our arrival, so set sail with 2 reefs in the main and well reefed genoa. Tide against us as well, so it was a long hard beat, 7.00am to about 6.00 pm and with some help from the ever reliable diesel on the Tangier's side. Plenty of shipping to play dodgems with and very difficult to decide when to make a dash across the shipping lanes. Sunshine all day and although we started with lots of clothes and full oilskins, we ended up with shirt sleeves.
Tangiers is not exactly in marina mode yet, with the existing pontoons very limited and full, so Alcedo was squeezed between a broken down ferry and a tug, alongside a high wall with a giant tyre as a fender. Thankfully it was flat calm with no wind and 2 very helpful locals on the quay. Tired crew showered, fed and watered and more than ready for bed at 21.15!
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