Dolhiyaddhoo, South Miladhunmadulu Atoll, Maldives 05 59.55N 73 13.29E Wednesday 16th February 2011

After a pleasant night at
Nolhivaranfaru we weighed anchor soon after 7.45 to head to Dolhyaddhoo the
crescent shaped island in the middle of North Miladhunmadulu Atoll. With a
good current we covered the 46 miles in good time arriving soon after 1500.
Dolhyaddhoo from the air shows a circular reef but more than half
of it is submerged and we motored slowly across the reef in case there were
extreme shallows, thankfully we had plenty of water and it was an easy approach
from the west side although there were strong currents. It
was a beautiful day again with very light winds The
pilot book told us that a resort was being built there and due to open in 2009
but on arrival it was clear to see the place was still under construction and
would be some time before it would see guests. However it was a very pleasant spot
where we might have enjoyed a couple of days. Gilgamesh told us the snorkelling was
superb on the outside of the reef which was just a short distance from where we
anchored. Carlo and Luisa had successfully speared a large grouper earlier in
the day on the edge of the reef and we were invited to spend the evening with
them enjoying a superb Italian fish meal. It was delicious. This is one of the
joys of cruising that you experience not only the cuisine of the country you are
in but the cuisine of the fellow cruisers
country. We
had a great evening with them, they even dinghied us to and fro so that we did
not have the hassle of getting our dinghy and outboard set
up. This was an excellent stop over where we anchored in around 13 m of water. |