25:39.99S 003:00.42W

Andre and Alison Stroebel
Sat 22 Jan 2011 17:21
Lost days!

I have lost a few days somewhere in the ocean. :)

The last couple of days the sea has been very "iffy" a clumsy sea sending sloppy swells all over. Often they meet under the boat with an almighty slam bouncing us and everything in it a few millimeters off the floor. If it happens under your bunk area the smash projects right through the hull and the mattress to actually knock you sideways as if someone has bumped you hard.

One good thing about the bouncing rocking and rolling is we are all losing weight. Its like being at the gym 24 hours a day.

Yesterday we crossed the Greenwich Meridian into the western hemisphere. A few minutes after we did King Neptune and his Queen Afrotit came aboard. Seeing we (Rob and I) were passing into a new area of his realm and had never ben there before, we needed to be cleansed and initiated. King Neptune gave his speech as Queen Afrotit wearing gloves to prevent her from being contaminated by us mere mortals did his will.

We had to kneel down and pay homage to King Neptune, Queen Afrotit then broke eggs over our heads. We were then cleansed with fresh seawater officially entering the West. It was a great laugh I will add photos later.

The Kings speech went as follows:

Hear yee, Hear yee - YOu too mortals:
I am King Neptune and this is my Queen - Afrotit!


I welcome you to the great devide of my oceans between East and West having crossed the Greenwich Meridian.

I have been called to your yacht to welcome yee and inspect thy vessel.

Pray do tell! My Queen and I believe you have some tasty land vermin on board - Not allowed in my domain!

But my Queen favors the snack of what you call RAT!!

If you have any on this fine vessel "rat CATcher" we could take them off your hands.

But lets stop this idle chatter:

Afrotit let the cleansing begin:"

It was at this point we had the eggs broken on our heads and rubbed in.

We all still smiling at the scene of King Neptune dressed in his crown which incorporated helicopter rotors, a pic of rat catcher and a desert island with palm and all.

Queen Afrotit was decked out in green hair and brushcut mop top. One of my costume tops stuffed with Andre's socks and a towel skirt. Clad of course in surgical gloves to stop being contaminated.

The day ended with drinks at "happy hour" and then onto a seriously lump and bumpy night.

We are all happy and well and loving it, if feeling a little like we are going no where as with no landmarks to indicte one has moved its like being in a large simulator with all the motion but no progress. Of course this is not so as you can see by our position. We are satisfied with our position in the race so far but hold thumbs luck stays with us.

Love to all

the "rat catchers".