ARC Portugal Ca Canny - Days 3 and 4

Yacht Ca Canny
Geoff Rogers
Wed 4 Jun 2014 12:03
Clearly yesterdays blog tempted Fate who couldn’t resist a side-swipe at my
“all quiet on the weather front, let’s have a food update”. Not long after
pressing send we decided to take advantage of some favourable winds to head us
out a little more Westerly in order to have a little more sea room on approach
to Cape Finisterre. The skies darkened and we hit some slightly stronger winds
than had been forecast – but fortunately we were already well reefed and had the
storm gyb out and prepared. We had company in the form of Zoonie again, briefly,
and a large pod of porpoises playing in and around the boat. The grey skies only
let up very briefly allowing a view of a small slither of skyline on the horizon
timed perfectly so we could see a stunning sunset. Did feel a little like nature
teasing us....plenty more adventures yesterday – including me losing my trousers
overboard (I blame the pegs) – but they can all wait for another time.
Hunkering down over the venison meatballs (well I had to mention them
didn’t I – they were good but I overcooked the pasta letting the side down,
sorry Stuart) we pushed on through the night and woke to blue skies with just a
few squalls (and a reappearance of one or two of the porpoises). We are quite
behind schedule now thanks to a combination rope around the prop earlier on
which set us back a good 7 hours and the weather that hasn’t been great for us.
Rally Control have been fantastic all along keep us updated and so, along with a
couple of other boats, we are now aiming to make landfall at Ria de Camarinas just North of Cape Finisterre – there’s
some not too pleasant weather expected around Finisterre (translation: End of
the Earth) tomorrow morning so are looking for a place to call in out of the way
before we continue on South.
Crew still in good spirits but hard work and lack of sleep is taking it’s
toll. How vessels with just two on board cope I have no idea – hats off.
Shephards pie tonight – HP sauce is on board so all is well.
Time to clock off now – comms needs sleep.
Steve/Ohura |