Our meals

Tue 2 Dec 2014 15:16
Rule: "No dry food in this boat...."
First day
Our breakast is a choice of jams, toast, honey, youghurt, fruits, juices, coffee or tea and a variety of cerial, each of the crew can eat breakfast as he wishes.
Main meal:
A beef ragout (kokkinisto mosharaki) with spagheti or rice (for the more sensitive stomachs)
A salad with plenty of fresh scallions and dill, plenty of lemon and of course a Virgin Greek olive oil.
Dinner was Linguini Bolognaise and fruits.
Todays Lunch:
Risotto Fruiti di Mare and a great lettuce salad.
I know your next question:
(are these guys sailing or eating???)
Bon appetit
Now we are sailing 9.8 to 10.4 kts and enjoy a day with clouds and the sun playing games.
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Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:18 UTC
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