Today complete circumnavigation!

Thu 3 Mar 2016 10:58
Today I will cross my old track from 18 December 2006 when we went from ANtigua to Guadaloupe. That completes Stampers circumnavigation.
Position at 11:00 UTC 03 March 2016
16:38.64 N 060:54.75 W day distance 130 Nm, with the engine on for about 9 hours. 158 miles to go

Winds 10 - 20 knots , from NE, rain is back

Speed 4-6 knots. COG 280-300

All OK. I think I will continue to Sint Maarten and not stop in Antigua, close by.

Why do you never measure the height of the engine mounts when they are correctly aligned? It would have been a piece of cake to realign the engine.