Self medication on the high seas

Sun 28 Feb 2016 10:58
Sometimes you have to help yourself. Still 700 miles to go to the nearest land I had a parasitic infection (I think). a lump 1 cm long 4 mm  thick between my knuckles which contained some kind of worms. No idea where they came from but after a couple of days it was clear that this was no normal infection. I was contemplating putting a knife in to prevent these things from 'hatching' inside me and causing more horrors. Then I thought about the MRSC infections that many sailors got in the pacific. The best way to treat them was using as hot compresses as you  can stand. The heat will kill the bacteria and I thought worms just under the skin would probably not like that either. So after multiple treatments now the pain has gone and the swelling is only half. I guess it works. In Sint Maarten if needed, I will visit a GP and he might be able to tell me what it was.
Position at 11:00 UTC 28 February 2016
12:56.73 N 053:05.57 W day distance 163 Nm, 654 miles to go

Winds 15 - 27 knots , from E

Speed 5-7 knots. COG 280-297

All OK. I expect the lastr two-three days to have little wind, we will see.