Making plans

Tue 23 Feb 2016 10:59
Every long journey at sea follows a similar pattern. The first half you do not think how far it is. Just focus on the sailing and that everything goes well and for yourself: clear your mind of all thoughts, zen.
At two thirds of the journey you hold yourself back from calculating how many days sailing it still is. The journey will become a long one then. In stead I make plans what I do when I arrive. In this case when I arrive in Europe. The plans for St Maarten is a list of things to do that will keep me busy for the full two months I have there! But coming back to Europe plans are fun:

  • making sure my granschildren get as addicted to sailingas I am, creating a lot of problems for their parents and a lot of fun for them and myself. That should not be difficult.

  • planning the ter Burg family day with dishes from around the world: 'grote plassen soep' from Mieke, Nasi from Indonesia, BBQ from Australia, wine from South Africa and beer from Belgium and Holland

  • Inviting friends to make nice sailing trips with a cheap hotel under our bum to Londen, Paris, Lisbon?

My fantasy is endless, this is certainly no bucketlist, I would need a container for everything! Meeting you all soon!
Position at 11:00 UTC 23 February 2016
06:46.69 N 041:38.95 W day distance 160 Nm, 1425 miles to go

Winds 15 - 22 knots , from NE

Speed 6-7 knots. COG 300

All OK, nice stable winds and easy sailing.