Haganes - Jahor Baharu 4th August 2011.

Splash Tango
Piers Lennox-King
Fri 5 Aug 2011 12:21

Haganes – Jahor Baharu 4th August 2011.


Spent most of this week working on provisioning. A fairly major undertaking working out the requirements for 5 people for 70 days at sea and no stops to be relied on for provisions of any consequence.  Made more so when the cook has never done a passage before and is convinced she’ll be cooking fresh vegetables in a wok for the duration of the voyage, “…but sir, if we run out of beans then I cook bok choy!” Yeahright. There’s an underlying difference in perception of tasty between the cultures also. Somehow I just can’t get as excited about fish heads as they seem to. That’s ok though, once we’re under way and catching the odd Mahi Mahi, Tuna or Wahoo, they can have the head and tail and John and I will have the bit in between.



Some of the myriad of ships anchored or laid up in the stream off Singapore.



More of the same.


Still haven’t received the ships papers from Panama and we won’t be going far with out them. Hopefully next week…I’d like to think we’ll be away by the 14th. First stop Kevieng P.N.G. then 11,000 miles of uninterrupted Pacific. Meantime we might head down to a marina in Singapore for a couple of days change of scenery next week. Either way, I’ll be making a point of getting down there, to Mike and Caroline’s, for the All Blacks/Aussie game on Saturday. (Great having family up here!)



Our neighbour on the dock “Sinbad”. A Delta 100ft. Almost the same length as us…but that’s about the only similarity. She is after all nearly 100 years newer!



Dock party with the Puteri Harbour Marina staff at “Sinbad”.



John, engineer on Haganes and Dodong, 1st Mate on Sinbad. Both would talk under water. (Notice Dodong is standing on a cleat and bucket). John hasn’t quite got into the ‘super yacht attire’ thing yet. Better he remain in the engine room really.