About to leave, strange emotions....Hmmm!

"Kamchatka Peninsula" by Bike and Kayak
Thu 12 Jul 2012 03:28
62:06.468N 129:48.698E

This location is where I hope to be around 5pm today: the barge ramp on the west side (Yakutsk) side of the Lena river. I'm hoping, (a) to find it, and (b) to get the barge across the river so I can get onto the Kolyma highway (Road of Bones) the other side.

I have one last shopping trip for final food stores, and then I'm hoping to collect my completed registration by 3pm.

I have to say, I am feeling very apprehensive inside, lots of fears I'm dealing with, and woke this morning really wondering why I put myself through all this? I know many of you DO think I'm mad, and do wonder the same, but I know this is a very normal feeling before I'm taking on something significant, that is full of unknown. We'll this fits right into that description. In many ways this is as, if not more daunting than the South Pole solo. The two main reasons being, firstly that I'm not totally self-sufficient, I'll be relying on finding food and particularly water, and secondly I'm not sure what the terrain will produce, and whether, with river, water levels, my mission is possible. Unlike thee South Pole, there is no rescue waiting at the other end of a satphone.

Adding to the anxiety formula is the self inflicted, 'pressure' to get to Magadan for my flight on the 7th August. Given the unknown terrain, weight of my bike and gear, and potential 'issues' I have no idea whether this is achievable, but am setting out with a plan to 'Do It'. I guess 5-7 days into the trip it will become clear whether my daily mileage plan is fundamentally flawed or not? If not, then all that will hold me back will be myself, and /or unforeseen 'luck' / Mother Nature issues.

Not arriving in Magadan in time for my flight, will have some unknown impacts on the real prize, exploring Kamchatka, so my incentive to get to Magadan is big!

Lastly, I know already from my time in Yakutsk, that I have underestimated the aloneness of this trip. The lack of ability to share anything of even minor meaningfulness with the locals is going to be very challenging to my extroverted side needs. I do wonder what the impact of this 3 months aloneness will have on me? I'm going where few have gone mentally and emotionally, and know that this will take a superhuman effort, and survival will provides insights that could be profoundly life changing. I'll try and share this inner journey with you as it unfolds!

Real lastly! While I'll try to provide updates on this site at least every second day, I 'm not sure whether this is a practically achievable goal, so please be patient and accepting of whatever I am able to achieve. My intention and desire to deliver that is clear and beyond doubt, the rigors of adventure may determine otherwise....

Enjoy the adventure with me...