Day 19

Patience ARC 2012
Fri 10 Dec 2010 18:09
Position 14:07N 058:37W Distance to run 134nm
Dear Reader
As the crew face what they hope to be their last full day at sea, thoughts
have turned to what might have been done differently/better. The main
gripe has been the fans fitted; they are not really man enough for the job and
50% have not lasted the course. Otherwise, the Crew and Owner feel that
the preparation and execution of the whole ARC exercise has gone extremely
BUT, we are not home yet and last night was another example that one cannot
relax even when the finish is in sight. After 2 weeks of pretty light
winds, the trades in this final week have been at the top end of their expected
strength and last night was no exception with wind speeds of up to 30 kts
experienced. Added to this was a fair amount of other ARC shipping that
caused us to have to harded up twice as the give way vessel. Once is
unfortunate, twice poor seamanship and the moral is not to be on port tack
overnight when running under poled out jib and double reefed main!
There is one other little episode to recount about last night. At the
watch change at midnight, MB went off watch and got himself ready for bed on his
park bench in the saloon. As he gracefully lowered himself into the berth
(unaided) he emitted a shrill shriek and leapt to his feet clutching his
backside as if stung by a giant bee. It was no bee, dear Reader, but an
innocent flying fish who had been looking for some shelter on a stormy night,
only to be sat upon and then cast out into the night, poor fellow.
There was a fellow called Buster
Who never got in a fluster
But his cool took a dent
When to his bed he went
And a flying fish went for his cluster!
Tomorrow, dear Reader, we should arrive in St Lucia and the promise of
being reunited with wives and daughters. It also holds the wonders of
wireless broadband which might allow some photos to be uploaded, so keep hitting
the website.
Signing off
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