2020 - No Cruising and a Global Pandemic - Covid 19

I was in Sicily in March to attend Pamarzi’s annual haul out/antifoul etc. when it was announced that Italy was locking down because of the rise in Covid 19 infections. The same day I received notification that my flight five days hence was cancelled. I did though manage to get a seat on the last U.K, bound flight that was due to leave from Palermo the next day. It was a pleasant drive across Sicily on almost deserted roads. Palermo airport was eerily quiet but the flight was on time and I arrived at Stansted airport around midnight. It took around an hour to clear passport control and organise a hire car but by 04.30 I was pulling up Meadscroft’s drive. Throughout the spring and summer the pandemic raged on and the death toll continued to rise despite the lockdown in the U;K; and many other countries throughout the world. Travel was severely restricted making any thoughts of getting out to Pamarzi untenable. Thankfully we have Sam and Florencia out there providing guardianage and attending to the continuing maintenance to ensure Pamarzi remains in tip top condition. The situation eased a little in the early autumn and we were able to get a flight out at the end of September but of course the sails and rigging were all in store as well as the tender so it was simply not possible to do any sailing. It was though good to be aboard and to be back in MdR.. We had hoped to get out again during the winter but in October infection rates once again increased and travel was prohibited. |