Njord Web Diary Position: 42:57.18N 17:08.47E

Tue 24 Aug 2010 06:33

Got to the island of Korcula yesterday and anchored off Korcula Town. On the way over here we saw a school of Dolphins which was the first time we’ve seen a large group out here.


The old town is very pretty and almost like a mini Dubrovnik. Last night we saw a Moreska performance which is a traditional sword dance. Used to be performed all over the med but now this is the only place that does it. Think of morris dancing but much faster and instead of tapping sticks they clash short swords and did  7 dances over 30 mins. The swords were sharp as we saw blood drawn.


After we went for a drink in Massimo which is a bar on the top floor of a turret and to get up there you have to climb a wooden ladder through tbe ceiling. Stunning views as it was on the edge of the town but needless to say only had one drink as not sure how I would have got down. The actual bar was at ground level and the brought the drinks up on a pulley on the outside of the building in a shopping basket. If Croatia gets into the EU, the Health and Safety lot would spoil it as can’t see them allowing the dancing or the bar.


Now off to CURAKIN which is a shop famous for its cakes throughout Croatia before we head up to islands off HVAR.

Korcula is a fantastic place.