Njord Web Diary Position: 39:12.07N 20:11.19E

Mon 28 Jun 2010 08:26

Arrived at Gaois on Paxos about noon on Sunday.


Left Paxos at 9am behind a British Yacht towing a French Yacht out of the safety of Lakka’s bay and setting it loose at sea. The French boat had lost engine power and was just sailing to some other port.


Had only been sailing for 10 mins and was just thinking how mad it would be to go to sea without an engine when there was a loud bang, a horrible smell of burning and suddenly we had no engine power when in water 70m deep. Turns out the alternator belt had shredded and luckily Andy had a spare which he fitted so we got engine power back.


Long-lined the boat to the shore.. Loads of sea urchins behind us and 2 goats.


Have read in the papers that the sale of Speedos has increased 44% worldwide, but frighteningly the UK is turning into a Speedo loving nation with biggest growth in the world at 153%. They are popular out here but rarely are the bodies that are forced into them suited to such attire.


After many days on boat, went into Gaios to discover not only the Grand Prix on TV but it was followed by England v Germany football…………