I See No ships

Tue 12 Jun 2012 09:02
S11 15 W131 03
I See No Ships
Last night we passed close to a large ship, it
appeared showing a port nav. light and two whites indicating a course south,
however its relative position didnt change despite it being 6 miles away..I
called up on te VHF and the officer on watch informed me they were 'not under
command'..ie stopped, I replied that I would maintain course and pass ahead of
him which we did passing wihin 3 miles..it made me wonder what he was
doing...over 2500 miles from the nearest port.......also reinforced
the need for a watch as I am firmly of the belief that ships do not keep a
visual or radar watch anymore......and then if you are going to park up mid
Pacific..they are asking for trouble!!
One hour later a second ship was sighted...heavy
traffic out here!
Progress has slowed in the last few days, only 141
miles yesterday, however it is now midnight and we are bowling
along at 8 knots under main and cruising chute..I know, I know after all I said,
about MPS's but if we head up to have the wind at 150 degrees it will stay
full...unless there are any waves.or wind alters by more than 2 degrees or falls
below 12 knots....or we touch anything...or move......very
We now have only 460 nm to go so Fatu Hiva, our
goal is just a stones throw away! Bets have been taken and a $20 reward posted,
Graham 1200 on Thursday 14th, Atlanta 1500, Phaedra 1800 and Aston, more
realistically 0900 on Friday 15th.......I think Aston will win!!
Book finished, now official Obama is a good guy!!
Now back to the Penguin history of World War 2 I have been trying to read for 7
years!!!! (honestly)
Crew doing really well but excited about landfall,
me, i just want to keep going...now what was the record for non stop
circumnaviagtions...three should do it...I had better go and check corned beef
Toodle pip
PS I am only joking...what without rum??? ...are
you mad!