Day 5: decision time

Sat 1 Dec 2012 14:18
Hi all!
The ‘Atlantic gurus’ Haico and Rob are still amazed by how many boats we
still see every day on the horizon, early this morning there was again one on
our stern! And again we had a good 24-hour run, of 211 nm. Haico cannot almost
not believe it, he just has to admit that Rob’s new boat is actually pretty fast
as well.
Today Nanno has been checking new weather forecasts again and runs them
through our routing software. At this point we have a very clear decision to
make, because a new area of low pressure appears to be forming between us and
St. Lucia, which will then bring (very) light winds directly in our path.
The software showed two suggestions: either go more north of west today and
see if we can sail around the north of it, OR keep going more south of west (as
we do now) and sail around the south of it. So where we had to make some smaller
decisions in the first two days, this decision means a lateral distance (most
north vs most south) of almost 700 nautical miles!!!
Even more amazing though is the calculated difference between the two
options: just 3 hours on something like 10 days...!!!
So what shall we do? The northern route is the faster one but also with the
most risk. And as we are all true racing sailors on board there is then still
that other very important argument to consider: where will it be warmer? So yes,
you have guessed it already, we will stick to the southern option!
Regular life and maintenance also continues on board. All our supplies are
stowed in different places, we have one cabinet for instance with the ‘Dutch’
food, another one for the “Italian’ food, and there is fruuit and drinks
absolutely everywhere. The aft shower is our main ‘shed’ from which we keep
re-filling the other smaller cabinets and refrigerator, and sometimes we have to
go forward to our ‘supermarket’ (the sail cabin where we keep our largely packed
items such as water bottles).
This morning Rob went for some shopping there and came back with a bonus: a
30cm long flying fish! The poor bastard must have flow against our cutter sail
and was left on the foredeck. Not interested in eating it, we spreaded its wings
and threw it away. It was clear that Rob no longer has a good throwing arm,
since the fish didn’t so much fly anymore but more it just fell into the
Leeway crew