Bermuda to Azores, 29th May 2010 Day 13

Bermuda to the Azores Day 13
- Saturday May 29, 2010
At 1200 hrs UT:
33:56.9N 35.51.5W Distance to Azores waypoint: 438 Nautical Miles Hello Everyone, We apologise about the lack of blog yesterday but some confusion between Mogul and the Hoff meant we failed to get it typed and sent. However, there was not actually much to report: A brief glimpse of dolphins to entertain us in the morning, followed by the new instructions from The Hoff: ‘Go to Horta, Go directly to Horta, Do Not pass GO, Do Not collect 200 Dollars’’ These were the words we had been waiting for, and the good ship Knightime turned quickly and willingly NE. So did the wind and the seas. Therefore we have had a pretty exciting ride for the last 36 hours with all our foul weather gear now very wet, and the moisture seems to pervade the whole boat. For the moment nothing will dry so, after the 6 hour break between watches, we cringe our way delicately into the soggy gear. The most important thing for the watchkeepers, is trying not to get drenched by the frequent tops of waves which slap the side of the boat and pay a quick visit to the cockpit. We laughed when the Hoff caught one 2 days ago but, now we have pretty well all suffered a direct hit. As is to be expected, all on board are playing the guessing game as to when we might arrive at Horta. However, with so many variables, especially which direction the wind will blow from, means it is probably too early for a realistic estimate. In spite of the difficulty of sleeping, morale is high, and our food continues to be highly tasty and interesting. In particular, the market fresh food bought from the market in Hamilton, has lasted surprisingly well. So, there we are. You are now up to date again and in time for another super dinner, prepared tonight by Michael and Martin, we wish you all Goodnight, Ed. (The Hoff) note - the weird pose on todays blog photo denotes - Under 400 Nautical Miles to go!! With best wishes from The Knightriders Mogul, The Hoff, Charlotte (Princess of the Pancakes), Martin, Michael and Quentin ++ |