49:43.546N 002:11.922W

Happy Hippie
Berni Gray
Wed 20 Jun 2012 10:14
Well we made it! Tied up on out own mooring buoy in Alderney with the assistance of two women who came zooming out on the water taxi to assist with the pick up lines. We all retired shortly after to a well earned and few beers in The Moorings sitting out in the sun.
Total miles since yesterday midday, 19
Trip Totals Antigua to Horta GPS 2433 LOG 2625 Time Under 18 Days
Horta La Coruna GPS 1009 LOG 1000 Time Under 7 Days
La Coruna Alderney GPS 483 LOG 480 Time 3 1/2 Days
Its UK and refit time next then..................................................................plans still evolving!