38:52.7N 033:40.98W

Happy Hippie
Berni Gray
Thu 24 May 2012 15:05
Winds and seas have been falling for the last 24 hours meaning we have had to motor for about 6 hours already.
The forecast ahead to Alderney was for one possible day of gales and 2 days of nears gales, in the next week. I've decided to take the safer option and am heading to Horta to fuel up and do some repairs and maybe catch up with some sleep.
Broke out the duvet last night.......it was heaven.
Sea tempeature now 15 C
Putting ships clock 2 hours forward to match Azores so now GMT -1 on board.
Only 1497 NM to Alderney
Days run Log 136 NM GPS 156 NM