36:11.09N 048:23.66W

Happy Hippie
Berni Gray
Sat 19 May 2012 15:04
What a frustrating 24 hours !! The wind has come and gone shifting to behind the beam and the counter current has been running up to 2.4 Kts diminishing the distance covered.
The good news is that I'm heading towards my waypoint North of Flores (855 miles to go). I've worked out that if I dont use the engine between now and the waypoint, I can fill in my jerry cans and have both main tanks full for the trip home.......................thats the plan. If you wonder why I went so far north over the last week its because most of the winds was coming from where I wanted to go, and that was my only option.
Weather still fair and sunny but depression coming over the top of us in the next days.
Days Run Log 141 GPS 102