46:05.86N 006:54.37W

Happy Hippie
Berni Gray
Sun 17 Jun 2012 11:02
What a day of contrasts.....again! Yesterday lunchtime sailing in a lovely breeze and brilliant sunshine up until around midnight when the wind died and went more southerly. Since then its been a painful slog with the engine at less than 1/2 revs and the weather files indicate more of the same for the rest of the day. Still we have been surrounded with Dolphins for hours on end this morning so that's a mood lifter. Not a lot of sleep last night due to Yacht matching my pace a couple of miles away and triggering the radar and AIS alarms.
Alls well on board and there's plenty of fuel, plenty of hot water as well!
Days Run GPS 148 NM LOG 148 NM
300 miles to go to Alderney