48:13.321N 005:33.81W

Happy Hippie
Berni Gray
Mon 18 Jun 2012 11:33
Yet another contrasting day of halves. Yesterday afternoon grey and peeing down with rain all afternoon and early evening, and this morning brilliant sunshine.
Wind picked up a little yesterday to 10kts and managed to sail for a couple of hours but then it wnet astern again so motorsailing to keep up speed. Still have some wind astern today so maybe when I clear Brest I can sail again.
Had a swallow on board for a few minutes today and he looked like his wings were aching. A brief rest and he was off again.
Negotiated the Brittany fishing fleet just before dawn as they were out in force trawling the shelf.
Days Run GPS 139 NM LOG 144NM
Miles to go to Alderney 161 NM