Blog 7
Derek & Lynn Giles
Tue 30 Sep 2014 12:12
Dear All,
Well its all your fault! What is it we hear, one of the driest
Septembers in the UK on record, winds continually from the East! Well that’s
what scuppered our chances of getting to Madeira.
The big Scandinavian High Pressure that gave you the fine weather messed up
the Portuguese Trade winds and stopped us getting to Madeira. Instead we waited
in Cadiz, but to no avail. We finally left one week later and sailed or rather
motored all the way to the Canaries. It took us four days and three nights to
cover the 630 miles finally arriving in Lanzarote on Monday night.
The passage was fairly uneventful with little shipping. I most
enjoyed the night watches. The stars show without any light pollution was
phenomenal. Shooting stars abound amongst the faster yellow satellites. I was
able to try out my star Identification ap on my Ipad whilst listening to Pink
Floyd. “Far Out” I think the saying goes.
Lanzarote, we can quite see the attraction, warm sunshine and warm sea
temperature. An eerie Volcanic landscape whish was created some 350 years ago
after half the Island was covered in lava and the ability to buy British bacon!
Oh that sizzle, oh that smell, somehow the Spanish have not quite cracked it.
Whilst entering Lanzarote we recognised a familiar boat. “TIME” she is a
Lagoon catamaran and the last time we met was in a Southampton boatyard the day
after we bought “Take Two” in 2005.
Peter and Josie were about to embark on their travels whilst we were
learning how to sail, now nine years on they have settled in Lanzarote although
TIME is still ready to take them on their next journey. We too
now are on our way.
It was good to hear of their adventures and travels and both Peter and
Josie were a good source of information regarding the Caribbean. In all we spent
two days in their most enjoyable company, we know we shall meet up again.
Also whilst in Lanzarote we meet up with a Portuguese family who are
sailing the first Catana ever built back in 1980. They are embarking on a trip
around the world complete with their son wife and grand children!
After Talking to Peter our next destination was decided. La Graciosa an
island to the North east of Lanzarote but very remote with warm sea temperatures
and crystal clear water.
Upon arrival we were not disappointed, a secluded anchorage a sandy beach.
We had the anchorage to ourselves for most of the time! That is until the party
boats arrive, their loud music, incessant chatter and young topless Spanish
females make for a most entertaining afternoon. Then at four o’clock,
peace and tranquillity descend once again. The whole Island is a nature reserve
with just one small town, a good introduction to Caribbean life.
We leave at midnight Sunday, 130 miles to the south west lies Las Palmas,
our final destination for this the last leg of our trip, we have been away for
76 days and sailed 1,910 miles.
As I write this last blog I have to say what good sailing companions I have
been fortunate to sail with, doubly so as one of them is permanent crew for the
rest of my life and has become a total convert to this way of life.
There have been times when things have broken or for no reason refuse to
work which is plain frustrating considering the length of time I have been
preparing Out-Rageous.
We have had long periods of little or no wind on passage which has been
tedious but has reaffirmed my faith in Mr Yanmar’s diesel engines, similarly
when the wind has been right. Out-Rageous brings a smile to our faces as she
launches off on some tremendous down wind sails when we eat up the miles.
We have met old friends and made new ones who are also going to cross with
the ARC in November.
This will probably my our last blog for now unless something of newsworthy
value occurs, thank you for reading them and sending your responses, although we
could always do with more of those!
We arrive home on October 5th for three weeks before we return for “the
crossing.” Whilst we cross to the Caribbean Lynn will be visiting Singapore to
see her Granddaughter before joining us in the Caribbean.
P.S one event worth recording Gary fell in the marina at Lanzarote
!!!! but you didn’t hear it from me.