Blog 8

Derek & Lynn Giles
Sat 8 Nov 2014 17:12
Return to the Canaries.
After a month home in Cornwall we return with a job to complete, Lynn is
setting off to Singapore after which we will reunite on the Island of St Lucia
in the Caribbean on December 6th, (no more Bongo Coffee for me.)
I returned with Gary, Pete and then we were joined by Penny on Thursday, We
were pleased to have Penny on board as she was eight Atlantic under her belt,
why should I be nervous.
You can see by the photos that we are really busy. I have just been
to the final briefing (Saturday pm) we leave Sunday at 12.45 UK time. The
weather down to Cap Verdes looks perfect for a fast down wind sail, although I
am still a little apprehensive
I just need Out-Rageous to behave herself and not let us down.
We have had our yellowbrick tracker fitted and is now active so to keep
tabs on us heres what to do.
I pads you need to go into the app store and buy the yellowbrick app £
Normal Computer's go to the
Go to Rallies then find the ARC then click on fleet viewer the yellow brick log
in will appear.
We have provisioned the boat for a month with only limited fruit & veg
available in Cap Verdes.
I will also update our position via our blog whenever possible. Our next
blog will be from Cap Verdes.
Not much more to add.