
Derek & Lynn Giles
Tue 22 Jul 2014 06:43
At last!
After two years Out~Rageous is ready (or not) were going!
We leave on tomorrows out going tide (4.00 pm)with our ARC+ flag flying.
ultimate destination the Caribbean.
The Caribbean I have to say that twice, its almost like something you
agreed too when drunk and vaguely remember the next day but not quite sure if
you were serious! its always been a long time away and never warranted serious
consideration until now, a great talking point but now's the time to put up and
produce the goods!
The initial plan was sound and still is, summer in Cornwall winter in the
Caribbean, one hic up we have to sail our boat 4,800 miles!
Our first leg is to sail across the Bay of Biscay 544 miles to Bayonne in
Spain on the border with Portugal, renowned for Atlantic storms however not this
week. The forecast is good with light Northerly winds ideal for my first mate
who always swore that she would meet me over the other side and trust her luck
with Brittany Ferries.
Lynn's confidence and skill has come on in leaps and bounds no more the
reluctant coastal sailor she has now had promotion to reluctant Ocean Sailor! We
should arrive Friday morning ish.
We carry all the latest gadgets at Lynn's insistence including a satellite
phone that will enable us to stay in touch via email or phone where ever we are
including the middle of the Ocean.
We both hope you like the new web site and track our progress via the
Google Map, please email us back to leave some comments would be good as it
encourages us to keep up the blogs, also we would like to hear your news!
Here are a few photos from our leaving bash I have to say I cant remember
too much but if the ache in my head the next day was anything to go by I had a
good time.
Our crew for the crossing is Gary the phone, and Paul (sketchy)
Derek &
Lynn |