
Derek & Lynn Giles
Sat 26 Jul 2014 12:34
After 630 miles and 79 hours sailing we arrived in Bayona Average speed 8
knts max speed 13knts.
The first two days we were under engine most of the time as the winds were
light and the seas were calm however Thursday night the wind came from the North
West and built to force 5 –6 fortunately this was down wind, and ideal
conditions for Out~Rageous.
First thing Friday morning we had a bit of a disaster whilst sat in the
cockpit contemplating the day the bimini roof shook and it all went
The main Halyard had parted (rope that holds up the mainsail) resulting in
the boom falling on the roof and the sail falling down.
After about an hour the mess was cleared away the sail re-hoisted using
another halyard and we were sailing again.
The Star of the trip, Lynn who has overcome fears, she fed us and comforted
us whilst confronting her own demons just an amazing lady to whom I am so lucky
to have as a wife, cruising companion and best friend.
We were then joined by dolphins, the sun came out, and Out~Rageous flew
toward Bayona.
We arrived at night but fortunately Paul had been into Bayona previously,
so entering in the dark was not a problem.
We are currently enjoying a rest day before starting our make and
I attach a few pictures taken by Gary. Most of the time we were the only
boat around, which I have to say was mainly due to the choice of route, which
took us well out into the Bay away from the major shipping route.
Lynn’s bit!
I cannot believe I have done this crossing. I was so apprehensive. It was
so bizarre to be in the centre of Biscay, a sea with such an awesome reputation.
The nights were so dark, no light pollution out there. Just four of us on a
little plastic boat with nowhere to pull in and stop.
They say you can smell land after a time at sea and it is so true. Coming
into Bayona in the dark, we could smell the diesel and petrol fumes, the general
aroma of humanity!
Gary and Paul were absolutely amazing. Paul’s great knowledge of ocean
sailing is awesome. For Derek, Gary and myself, it was our first such passage
and it was so comforting to have him with us.
All this has been made possible by Derek. Who has worked tirelessly to sort
Out-Rageous over the last two years. I remember well the evenings he came home
exhausted and depressed as whatever job he was working on at the time uncovered
yet another job he would have to spend time and energy on. The only thing that
has kept him going has been his dream of this massive adventure we have just
Hats off to you Derek.