I need sleep!

Dave & Becky Werrett
Fri 28 Nov 2008 21:13
Position: 18 30 N 24
November 28th
Very short Blog today. Not a great night - very
very rolly! I was lying in the cockpit trying to sleep when a huge wave came
over the side and dumped on me, I was dripping, then a flying fish hit sam in
the face! And Molly jumped out of the cockpit to go to the loo - in the pitch
black when we were rocking around - so she
is now strapped in. She has become obsessed with dolphins - so she keeps trying to jump out and look over the edge for them. Sam & I have dave'scold! and indy was sick over the side so not the healthiest crew this morning! I,m sure it will all look much better when I've had som esleep, tried everybed last night - like goldilocks - ended up in Indy's bunk! Then sun came up - and we caught 3 more fish
including 10-12k dorado/mahi/mahi-( not sure), and wonderful blue fin
tuna , the boys were absolutely besides themselves with excitment. After
the third one - we took the lines in as we had more fish tha\n we could
possibly eat. Dave W gutted them all and my Dave cooked on of the large
fillets for us all for lunch - even Jordan thought it was
"luvely!" The crew then gave me day off and I have done nothing
all day - so am just about ready to face another night, just finding the whole
thing alot more tiring than anticipated - but 1/4 of way there so will keep
going! I now know what ARC meant when they said prepare for 30 deg heel - seas
where we are, are more rolly than anything ever before, can not put
anything down for one minute without antislip or wedgeing in! Dave's chilli went
flying ALL OVER Cabin - that was after it had all flew out of microwave and we
scraped it off floor! Am even wedged side ways in chair whilst
Big Dave W has been great - providing a
much needed cheerful laugh - when everyone else is a little grumpy! Still it's
shower day today so that should boost morale - we all stink!