Thursday December 1st, 2011 (It's beginning to feel like X-mas)

Oyster Bandido Sailboat
Roger S/Edwin S
Thu 1 Dec 2011 09:04
Alright, maybe it doesn't quite look or feel like xmas at sea but it is almost here. Right at this moment the clock reads 11:02AM UTC time and the local time is 9:02 in the morning.
So far a very peaceful, sunny and warm morning. Bandido's chute is still up and we are cruising at a very comfortable speed of 7kts. Relatively good winds. We are pretty much on course. From where we are right not we stand 1,952 nautical miles from our destination, St. Lucia.
As we move closer to our destination, the climate seems to be getting warmer and more humid as well. It is beginning to feel like the caribbean climate.
Andale Bandido!