Alice in charge

Tue 23 Nov 2010 11:35
After the slow first night we are now doing a lot better
as we have put "Alice" in charge. She is making sure everyone does their
jobs properly so the log will now be written by her.
The photo is of me sitting on the boom and keeping a
look out. We have been sailing on a broad reach for over 24 hours and have
now done 280 miles. All the crew seem to sleep a lot but I keep awake
to make sure everything is ok. Its very rare for them all to be up
together. Everyone is feeling well, the sun is shining and we have 15 - 20
knots of wind - this is the day that the weather forecast was for no wind at
all!!! The first night at sea we all had a lovely pasta bolognese and last
night was chicken, new potatoes and green beans - delicious. The fresh
milk has gone off already and a couple of tangerines have gone mouldy so we
are keeping an eye on all the fresh food. Some concern about the crew
getting scurvy. All meals are eaten up in the cockpit. The weather
is warming up too - its 26 degrees in the saloon and the sea temperature is
25.8. Hopefully these stronger winds will last a bit longer to keep us
moving at a reasonable pace - even if it is in the wrong direction!!
You can also read the log on the ARC website and follow
our progress on the fleet viewer. |