Sat 14 Dec 2013 12:00
ocean rowing is the hardest thing i believe i will ever endure. 11 days in
and i simply cannot get my head around the fact that i’ll have to continue
getting up every single 2 hours for 2 hours rowing. it’s so bloody tough. what i
had paid little thought to was how scary rowing with following waves that are 3
storeys high and moving at 25knt winds. it’s so terrifying that after my 2 hrs i
have considered telling luke to continue sleeping because im getting the hang of
it and i do actually have far better eye sight. last night we almost capsized. i
was trying to sleep when this immense roar came and threw me onto the side of
the cabin wall. i immediately had an image of luke being swept well over into
the cold dark grey sea. just that afternoon we’d seen a shark! not good for the
imagination. lukes bum is causing him problems but we are dealing with various
options. i’ve just watched him get up on his shift and take a no2! i wouldn't
dare get up half way through and do the same. Harrow vs Eton clearly. during
last nights furious weather a wave took a few items with it including 2 poo
buckets leaving us with just 1 for the remainder. during a 2 to 4am shift a few
nights ago i kept myself occupied creating the ideal ocean rowing boat. i
designed it down to the T and will have it designed on return. it’s
unfortunately nothing like the one we’re in. in all seriousness though, this is
horrible. during darkness hours i no longer can tell when im awake or dreaming.
i only have to think of my family to get choked up. i miss them so much (there
goes a tear). To those friends who wrote me letters. i have opened randomly
dave’s, chaz, cousin jack, muddy’s, mums, dads and ali’s. thank you so much as
they have all taken my mind away from the torture that it’s enduring. this sport
will never become mainstream but i do try and remain positive and remember that
i am privileged to be here. to those who send msgs of support to us via the fb
page, they really help us push through hard times (which is all the time). j xx
sorry about the SPAG |