St James Bay Antigua

Caribbean adventure
nick & annabella Atkinson
Thu 24 Mar 2011 19:42
Hi All
Just a quick one to say that we have sailed south down to the bottom of
Antigua and around to the Atlantic side â we had a cracking sail with a very
constant 25 knots and beautifully blue sea to make it awesome -
we had to motor the last few miles as we were not getting the right angle
and it would have taken a while to make way against a large sea â The
antifouling change has made such a difference and we averaged approx 8.5 knots
all the way today so not as stressful as our previous trips when we could only
get 6 knots -
we are now anchored off the very exclusive St James Club and watching all
the brits with very red skin sailing their hobbie cats âthe entrance was a
little hairy as the pilot suggested not to approach in any big sea well we did
the opposite and surfed in at 10 knots through a very narrow gap in the reef â I
was a little concerned as Antigua has been previously picked out to have quite
inaccurate charts but luckily today we could see the coral heads so all
we have stocked up on food so we should be eating well and have a few beers
to see the sun go down later â nice to be out of the marina...
tomorrow weather permitting we are heading to Green Island which is on the
Atlantic coast and we can hug in behind a reef and stay the night hopefully nice
and sheltered... and then Saturday back to English harbour for a few
drinks at our favourite bar
Update to follow...