Motoring down the East River

39:45.382N 74:6.862W October 23, 2012 18:45 Early start today. We got up at 6:00 am to catch the tide down the East River. By the time we left the anchorage at the foot of the Throgs Neck Bridge the dawn was breaking in the east. We motored all the way to New York Harbor and more down the Jersey Coast. The early part of the day was spectacular with the light show along the City skyline shimmering fiery red in the reflection of the rising sun. I took a lot of pictures and I hope to get a chance to attach some of them one day to this blog so you all can see what I have witnessed in awe. If nothing else this early morning trip down the East River was worth the trouble living in a cramped boat. No sailing today. There was absolutely no wind and the sea as flat as it could be. So as I said before we had to motor down all the way Jersey Coast to Barnaget Bay where we anchored around 18:30 just after sunset. Light winds predicted for tomorrow. We will see what the morning brings. So far all essential elements working fine except for the starboard fresh water pump that leaked. The Skipper took it out of service. So we are down to one fresh water pump which is twelve years old. We will get them replaced before we set out for the rally in Hampton. If this is the only thing to break we will count our blessings… |