Atlantic Crossing - Day 18
The Talulah's Web Diary
Ali Pery / Shane Warriker
Wed 2 Jun 2010 13:19
We spoke too soon 2 days ago, and were hit by another monster - big, angry,
frothing seas, howling, screaming wind - and yet again, it was "heave-to"
for Talulah, who spent the next few hours rocking, climbing, swerving,
surfing, as we shut ourselves inside, yet again, to sit it out.
But later that afternoon, we headed northeast again, and beat hard into it .
The wind has turned round to the SSW, and though still lumpy, the waves are
at least helping us along on a broad reach - doing 7.5 knots right now.
185 miles to the Azores! . just maybe tomorrow?? But then again, anything
could happen.