Been there; done that! Next stop Madeira

Philip Fearnhead
Wed 31 Oct 2012 19:06
Wednesday 31st October 33:03.56N 016:19.39W
We arrived in Porto Santo early this morning and stayed for a rest, but
there is a heavy surf running onto the beach making landing almost impossible
except in the shelter of the harbour, which is a long walk from anywhere.
So we spent the day recovering from our journey, which had included the
seemingly obligatory strong headwinds (38 knots,gusting mid 40s) for a few hours
when the wind direction went around the whole compass.
Safely anchored in the lee of Porto Santo with the sun shining, that was
all forgotten. A swim to check the bottom of the boat in warm clear water
was sufficient exercise. We shall make the 30 miles passage to Madeira tomorrow,
then spent a couple of days being tourists. We have finally caught up with
our original schedule and now have a day in hand thanks in large part to the
efforts of Kevin and John on extended “catch-up”
passages. |