Tropical weather!

Darrell Jackson and Sarah Barnes
Sat 30 Nov 2013 19:37
19:06'.380N 028:45'.843W
This is just a quick update, as conditions are not what
the brochure led us to believe. For the last 3 days we have had no wind, strong
winds blowing against us and rainfall that would do India proud in the monsoon
season. We are all wearing full oilskins, including boots and wooly hats (there
was hail in the rain this afternoon) and the interior of Stream is taking on the
mantle of a swimming pool changing room. The only consolation is that
when a wave hits you in the face and the water runs down the inside of your
jacket, it is warm water.
We have been running since 03.00hrs this morning under a
well reefed genoa and three reefs in the main, until, for the sake of the boat,
we dropped the main this afternoon and ran under the reefed genoa - much more
comfortable and still doing 8 knots. Top speed today was 13.2knots running down
a wave, and highest wind speed 34knots. All exciting stuff!
The maritime equivalent of Jamie Oliver has managed
another superb meal tonight, cooked at silly angles, yet still tasting
delicious and filling. Well done Adam.
We've now had another wind shift and gone from
25-28knots SE to SW 10-12knots, so we're heading south still, but hope soon to
start heading towards the Caribbean.
Much more from us soon I