17:09N 62:37.8W Charlestown Nevis

Madeleine and Martin
Tue 8 Jan 2013 15:15
Well, a week in Antigua seemed to pass in a flash. We were royally
entertained by Geoff and Ann Woods who have a magnificent house on Blacks Point
overlooking the entrance to Falmouth Harbour. We berthed at the Antigua Yacht
Club in Falmouth harbour and had a major clean up ably assisted by Lance and
Junior ( “Junior” has three grandchildren!). The 14 strong Steel Band at Shirley
Heights on Sunday night was very special. Ann played the pans for one set and
Geoff fulfilled his role as Steel Band groupie! We spent New Years Eve with
Geoff and Ann and their friends al fresco at a long table overlooking Nelsons’s
Dockyard, complete with raucous disco and midnight firework display. Very
memorable. A couple of other dinners chez Woods – well, if we arrived
“underweight” after 18 days at sea we definitely left “overweight”!
We departed Antigua Yacht Club on Friday afternoon and travelled all of 500
yards, anchored in the harbour and went to sleep at 1900 to recover. Saturday
morning; left early for West Antigua, superb sailing in blustery conditions.
Sunday, set off for Nevis (pronounced Neevis). This is a 45 mile passage. The
forecast was for steady easterlies of 22 – 25 knots but didn’t mention the 45
minute squall with winds of 40 knots and driving rain. Well reefed, September
never paused. We learnt yesterday that the Antigua/Nevis ferry was cancelled
that day. Pah! What do they know about Atlantic seas and local weather –
apparently rather more than we do! |