66:39.928N 13:03.432E Roeddoey Island

Madeleine and Martin
Wed 4 Jul 2012 19:34
26th June grey skies all 67 miles to Kristiansund. We took the outer
Hustadvika route which is described in the pilot book as ‘considered a
particularly dangerous and exposed area’. Thanks to several days of light winds,
the sea was calm and the passage uneventful..We tied up in the minute Guest
Harbour. A neighbouring Norwegian sailor, on hearing that we were bound
eventually for the Lofoton Islands and hoping to catch some serious fish told
me, ‘we put the potatoes on the stove, and when the water boils, then we drop
the hook over the side’. Hmm, we’ll see. Today we found the first Norwegian who
doesn’t speak English. Unfortunately it’s the Harbour Master here, but somehow I
managed to obtain tokens for the washing machine and a card key for the door. We
had lunch in the restaurant Smia (the Blacksmith’s) and our lovely waitress told
us she’s an ardent Arsenal supporter. When we went back there for an evening
meal we gave her our small Arsenal cushion (don’t ask!) and she hugged us both
with glee. We spent three days here and by the time we left every space was
rafted three boats deep.
30th June, 62 miles; 1st July, 104 miles in 13 hours, with a
Gotterdammerung finish of thunder and lightening all around, rain so heavy
visibility was severely curtailed, just as we were entering the ever narrowing
track through the rocks towards Roervik. Crew on high alert, condition Red, etc
etc but finally the pillars of the bridge materialised through the murk, we
passed safely through and into our planned anchorage.Then of course the wind
died, the rain drizzled out and visibility was restored...
2nd July 71 miles in 10 and a half hours. Some time spent stooging
around looking for the hole in Torg’s Hat (the hole is 160 metres through so you
have to exactly in the right spot to see daylight) see MJ’s entry. Squeezed
through a very narrow channel and under another sweaty bridge past Broennoeysund
where the pilot book warns of strong tidal streams ‘ 2 or even 3 knots’! Pah!
They should come to the Channel Islands! On this passage we celebrated our
ship’s Log passing the 2000 mile mark. Anchored in a secluded bay in
3rd July 74 miles from Roeddoeya to ...Roeddoeya – the other one!
The scenery is increasing in grandeur as we go North, impressive snow-capped
mountains on all sides. Crossed the Arctic Circle, 66 degrees 33 mins North, at
1710. Rather chaotic, changing sail, taking photos and texting family all at the
exact same magic moment. Two hours later we were tied up on the dock of the
Klokkergaarden restaurant. The scenery is breathtaking.