17:28.5N 52:59.6W Christmas Blog

Madeleine and Martin
Tue 25 Dec 2012 19:20
2000 Sunday 23rd Day 14
A quite day; catching up on sleep;engine checks; deck checks. Malcolm from
Greenham Regis rang – Sunday morning – to talk over a computer problem. What
service! Still very little wind. Looks as though the better weather is even
further South this year so we have made the strategic decision to head south for
up to 200 miles to try to pick up the trade winds. Clearly a world trade wind
recession; we didn’t bargain for that!
2000 Monday 24th Day 15
And a strategic decision that has paid off. Wind arrived at 0500 and has
been with us all day. Noon to Noon 151 – that’s more like it. Preparations for
Christmas are in full swing i.e. we are trying to remember what we have done
with our one and only table cloth.
Grey forbidding rain squalls this afternoon advancing from the horizon.
Very generous local attempt to provide us with a white Christmas hampered only
by the 28 degree temperature. Brrrr......
1500 Christmas Day 16
What a lazy day – just like taking a holiday! We have had a small sail rig
up to ease the motion – basically fit and forget. The clock went back another
hour at noon (now three hours behind UK) and by this underhand trick we have a
longer Christmas day than you! The Christmas tree is “up” (strapped to the
cockpit table) and prezzies opened. Thank you Santa for increased access
to Amazon and itunes. We spent a happy hour debating the list of preferred
purchases. As we don’t have ready access to wifi for another few days, “don’t
spend it all at once” really works well! A stowaway was also discovered – thank
you Jackie – the soft crew (which easily out number the hard crew) is now under
the command of Captain Ivy, almost the best looking Airedale ever. Thanks also
for all your Christmas messages which are much appreciated. The gastronomic day
started with fruit cake and cheese! Pre lunch drinks, one can of lager between
us (steady there) was accompanied by fish canapé and mandarin oranges. The main
course of Turkey (but not as we know it ,Jim) and most of the trimmings finished
us off. The chef is now deep into her post prandial snooze so Christmas puddings
followed by cheese and biscuits are now for supper!
We have just passed the less than 500 to go marker and it is seriously hot
today - +32 degrees. “Are we nearly there?” No, Saturday, was the stern
reply. |