Rainy day at Morgan's Bluff

Mon 22 Feb 2010 23:22
In the morning, Garth and the girls explored the beach and found wonderful shells and bits of sea glass, while I got
some work done. Garth got his cell phone working thanks to a very helpful woman in the convenience store/gas station. The store sells toothbrushes, vegetable oil, sugar, disinfectant, and that's all. The girls helped carry the full gas cans back to the boat.
We made pancakes for lunch--a first on the boat. Putting the canopy up in the cockpit helped expand our space and enabled us to cook without getting too wet. In the afternoon, we all read--the girls did lots of reading. We had planned for them to do school work, but they couldn't put their books down to get to math, science, or spelling assignments. We'll have to get more structure to this homeschooling business.
Late afternoon we took a walk to the bluffs overlooking the Tongue of the Ocean. Looked fairly bumpy out there, and we were glad not to be out there. We explored Captain Henry Morgan's cave--a series of impressive limestone caves. We observed some wild dogs (called potcakes) from a distance. We walked along the dock where the water freighter pulls in to load 4 million gallons of water every evening from Morgan's Bluff to supply Nassau. Very impressive fenders! Lots of old rusty tug boats and derelict boats of every type litter the beach near the dock.
Tomorrow we hope to do laundry, snorkling, math, science, spelling, and music. Wednesday might be a crossing day according to our emailed weather.