Martinique Photos

Peter & Penny Hesleden
Wed 6 Feb 2013 18:02
We've been in Dominica for a week now and we still haven't posted our Martinique photos due to the lack of internet connection.
The photos show Penny with Diamond Rock in the background (formerly HMS Diamond!), a view over Petit Anse D'Arlet, Paul and Debra from Jay Jay, a massive caterpillar, the prison which housed one of 2 survivors from the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelee where 28000 people died in St. Pierre, the volcano and a view of St Pierre. We enjoyed Martinique and we will go back as there is so much more to see. Dominica is great, it is literally the garden of the Caribbean (as it is sometimes called). We have been on 3 tours and seen quite a bit which will be the subject of a future blog. It has been very windy on our anchorage and wind permitting we will be heading for Les Saintes tomorrow which is a journey of about 20 miles. |