Kalami Beach N39:44.606 E19:56.081

Peter & Penny Hesleden
Fri 27 Apr 2012 14:36
Anchored on Kalami Beach, taken some great photos
which I will upload the next time I have broadband access. I am sending
this blog via the Sat phone to get some practice at using the
We're one of two yachts in a beautiful bay, looking
across at the Albanian mountains. The water temperature is 21.5 degs and
unlike the Imerolia swim was very refreshing - not bracing! We have had
several swallows landing with a couple of feet of us on the guardrails, I think
they want to make a nest in the sailcover. We can see an enormous cruise
ship in the far distance and heading our way, probably to pass between Corfu and
Albania. I've just checked the AIS and it is the Nieuw Amsterdam and it
will pass within 0.6 of a mile of us in 22 minutes time - should cause quite a
It is about 25 degs today and we will be having a
sundowner shortly and eating in the cockpit.