
Peter & Penny Hesleden
Wed 27 Jun 2012 19:24
We will be leaving Corfu soon and it will be quite a wrench.
I have attached a few pictures from our stay on anchorage in Agni Bay: The first two are of Roysterer anchored in Agni Bay. The third picture is for my friends in Ideal Purchasing using the giant ring and drinking an Amstel - Cheers I miss you all! The fourth picture shows the start of a hornets nest, she had decided that the upper passage bunk was a good place to set up home, but had not reckoned on us fearful cruisers with "Raid" anti-insect spray. Tommorow we set off for Malta to get the rigging done. This will be our first real voyage covering over 350 miles of the Mediterranean sea; both exciting but at the same time daunting. |