Dominica and photos

First mate here. From Martinique we sailed to the beautiful island of Dominica, and anchored in Prince Rupert Bay in Portsmouth. A group of local tour operators there have formed PAYS, an association that keeps the bay safe by carrying out security patrols in their colourful canoes which have massive outboard engines. Martin from Providence met us as we arrived and was a great help, taking Pete to customs to check in (we have to check in and out of every island). We went on 3 tours, Indian River with Martin, and the north of the island and the rain forest with Paul as a guide. We saw some fantastic birds, including blue herons, yellow-crowned night herons and the endangered red-necked parrot which is only found on Dominica. Dominica is called the Garden Island because there are flowers everywhere, and everyone grows fruit and veg, there are many cultivated plots well into the rain forest. The grapefruits are wonderful, very sweet, and the trees are laden with fruit. People are very friendly and helpful everywhere. We also visited a still active volcano where there are pools of bubbling water that look as if they are boiling, but the water is cold.
We went to Roseau, the capital on the bus one day and climbed up a hill in the Botanical Gardens to get a great view – the cruise ship was nearly as big as the town! The school bus was crushed during Hurricane David in 1979.
We then sailed to Deshaies in Guadeloupe, where we anchored for 2 nights. Lovely baguettes again. We walked a mile uphill on a very hot day to visit the Botanical Gardens, I must be fitter now as I didn't even moan!
In answer to those who asked how big the caterpillar was, it was about 4 inches long.
Report from (rainy! What happened to the dry season?) Antigua to follow.