
To Scrabster port of Thurso
It would seem that it is universally acknowledged that when people have to be up early for a specific time, they do not seem to sleep as soundly as usual in spite of going to bed early. This was the case for most of the crew leaving Ullapool as they kept wakening up to check they hadnât slept in.
We left Ullapool at 4.30 motoring. One person at least was sent back to bed as soon as we had slipped so that she could cope with the rest of the day. We saw the Summer Isles and set the genoa. Then the excitement of changing the point of steer to 030 degrees heading to Cape Wrath which rather obviously (and thankfully) we saw in the distance. We passed various places, naming them as we went: Kyle of Tongue, Ben Hutig.
It seemed to be a long day but then it was! We arrived in Scrabster at 7.30 p.m. having motored for more than 12 hours. The harbour master met us and directed us to a secure corner â a very tricky berthing took place so well done to Allyn as he had to pay attention to both the side of the yacht and the back all at the one time! A well deserved pint for all was the next stop to The Ferry Inn.