Cowes to Salcombe

The Round Britain Experience
Tue 12 Apr 2011 15:50
50:14.5N 3:45.5W
Monday 11th
Up early today to catch the tide out of the Solent and
toward the west country.
Alarms went off a 0500 and everyone ready to slip by 0600.
We were the only boat on the move as we motored down the river and out into the
solent. The morning was cold but bright as we left Cowes and was joined by two
other yachts making in the direction of the needles and the narrow channel
between the Isle of White and the mainland. As we motored west the sun rose from
behind us and Peter brought up hot porridge for breakfast.
Just of the needles the wind direction changed and we was
able hoist the main sail. Passing Hurst point the Genoa was unfurled and RBE was
off. Soon the wind increased and we were beating across a calm sea. With the
tide behind us we made good progress towards Portland. Soon the firing ranges of
Lulworth cove could be heard as we tacked back and forward. The good progress
soon slowed down as the tidal flow turned against us as we approached Portland
Bill. Weymouth was going to be our destination should we want it but all onboard
were keen to press on and sail overnight to Salcombe. The weather forecast was
for head winds and we all settled down into a watch system.
As the day went on the wind increased and one then two
reefs were put in but RBE handled the increase in wind strength with a
light helm and a fantastic rhythm. As night came the wind was still strong
but on RBE went.
As night fall came under a clear star lit
sky soon the loom of Start point light house and its 3
flashes came into view. As we made towards Devon the wind was playing games with
us and we had a night of changing the sail pattern from full sails to
two reefs as the wind went from light to strong and back again.
Finally as we closed into the lee of the south coast we hoisted the main again
and sailed with full sails towards Salcombe.
We dropped the anchor just out side Salcombe in Starehole
bay as the sun was just coming up, and spent a few hours relaxing before leaving
and heading into Salcombe.