Brighton to Portsmouth

The Round Britain Experience
Sun 10 Apr 2011 10:16
50:47.3N 1:07.1W
Saturday 9th April 2011
After a night in Brighton the showers were given a
respectable 7/10. Again we found the sun bright with the winds
forecasted to be E/N/E 4 to 5. A quick top up with fuel, and a new gas cylinder
on board we motored out of Brighton Marina.
PET, VMT the main was hoisted in the best time so far.
Engine off. RBE soon got going and as the wind changed to the east and
increased we could practice putting a reef in the main. With a blue sky
everyone took turns in sailing with John managing a speed of
A good day sailing and soon the forts that are just
outside Portsmouth came into view. Eventually the wind dropped and we had to put
the engine on for the final last mile into Portsmouth.
Our berth for the night had been arranged by Neil and soon
we along side a pontoon at the joint services training centre
Tomorrow a plan has been made to have a look around
Portsmouth historical dock yard before setting off in the evening toward the