54:46.38N 004:51.36W.

We reluctantly slipped our birth in Peel, with a forecast of South Westerly winds force 6-7. As we proceeded over the marina sill and out to the outer harbour we passed Her Majesty’s Ship Ramsay as she gracefully approaches her birth alongside Peels Northern outer harbour wall, and we duly dip our Ensign as we proceed north. Initially it seems the forecast is right, but unfortunately our course for Larges takes us on a beam sea, slowly the wind builds and before long we have winds gusting 30 - 38 kts, whilst an exhilarating experience, not something we wanted to be exposed to all day, so the plan was revised , and we started the 25 mile run for shelter to the east of the Mull of Galloway, with wind on our quarter and an average speed of 8 ½ kts it didn’t take us long to get into shelter, we selected a good anchorage, and Alan glided RBE in to her anchorage for the night with Peter and Elspeth braving the harsh driving rain to drop anchor, whilst JNW took gentlemanly cover under the spray hood whilst providing verbal encouragement to the weather hardened crew. |