36:33.418N 40:16.046W

Wed 16 May 2018 09:58

Hi All


I hope all is well with everyone


All good here


Time 1030 BST Wednesday 16/5/18


Days 14 & 15 – Broad reach with 10 – 15 Kns of wind, small swell  – perfect


570 Nm to Horta and a good forecast for the next 4 days. Good pleasant progress. Our weather info, both from Chris Tibbs and from our own Max sea, is working well


Using the autohelm and engine a bit at the moment as wind is  light


Johny is on deck watching the dolphins at the moment. Johnty and Paul sleeping after their night watch.


We’ve seen the odd container ship and tanker but very quiet overall


A Navy helicopter buzzed us at 1600on the 14th but we could only see the ship on the radar and were not able to identify it


The water maker is working well and we have full tanks


Food is going well. Using up the fish with curry and fish pie. Plenty of other choice as well. Onions, potatoes and garlic lasting well. Having to throw a few eggs but plenty left.


We’ve almost used a tank of diesel so we’ll top up from cans today.


Starting to think about landfall and flights now. Horta seems to be good first landfall and then see what happens


Best regards


3Js and P