Day 6

Richard Martin
Sun 24 Aug 2014 22:41
in a 20 to 30 kt east south easterly, so we are making good progress. We are
expecting the wind to shift north easterly sometime today as the low east of
Brisbane starts to affect our weather. That north easterly will help us with
our final run to Auckland as the wind will be aft of the beam, and the
motion of the boat will ease (hopefully). We will be in Auckland before that
low has its expected impact on NZ weather. If we can continue our current
speed of around 8 knots we should get to Auckland sometime Thursday morning,
well ahead of any weather coming out of the low.
The boat is still throwing us around inside, but thankfully we have had no
repeat of the food tossing episode of the other day. We are all however
feeling a little damp and disheveled after days of being unable to move
freely, so we are looking forward to a shower and clean clothes when we get
there. We have to go into the main Auckland port area to get customs
clearance which will take a few hours at least, and then we have to make our
way back to the marina at Half Moon Bay which will also take some time. We
decided not to stop off and clear at Opua given the weather forecast for the
weekend - it is better to make the most of the favourable conditions and get
We are all well and Chris has his appetite back, so much so that when we past
a couple of Taiwanese fishing boats, Chris was all for radioing ahead and
ordering fish and chips!
Apart from that shipboard life consists of sleeping, downloading weather chart data, reading, thinking about what to have for dinner, and
more sleeping. Not very exciting really.